I have a collection of bought and DIY’d antennas
Transmit Antennas
- Diamond D-190 discone for 70cm upwards with 2m whip
- TX possible on 2m, 70cm.
- RX hampered by bad RG58 cables with PL connectors.
- Ground plane 2m/70cm build from BNC socket and solid wire
- Ground plane 2m/70cm build from BNC socket copper plate and copper welding rods
- LogPer 2m/70cm design by OE3MZC (build instructions) (defunct)
- hard to adjust/tune
- Yagi 2m design by DK7ZB
- used for contesting in 2022, works great. 70cm too.
- Yagi 70cm design by DK7ZB (incomplete)
- 2 POTY feeds for 2.4GHz QO-100
- wlan grid 90cm for 2.4GHz 90cm
- wlan yagi for 2.4GHz
- Arrow Antenna 146/437-10BP w/Duplexer (to be tesed)
I prefer resonant antennas, as my radio do not come with antenna tuners build in. I possess a MFJ Deluxe Versatuner 2, but that’s tedious to operate in the field

There is a partially assembled AT-100 kit, but that’s for another day.
I tend to use 1:1 (choke) baluns at the feed points and and for noise suppression at the transeiver.

Resonant multiband designed by ZS6BKW, derived from GR5V.
13.75m dipol wires, 12.22m + x Wireman CQ-553 as depiced in this build instruction by DL9NBJ.

end-fed half wave dipole. Basically un-un with a 3 to 21/24 turn ratio resulting in a 1:49 / 1:64 impedance transformation. Optional counter-poise connected to the balkony or portable, a run of 6m coax to the transceiver.

Used with various wires on
- 80m band and higher (40m wire)
- 20m band (10m wire)
- 10m band (5m wire)

Ground plane collection 10m and lower
A basic 10m ground plane with optional wire extentions to 12m, 15m, 17m, …
Not in view: choke balun (1:1) in the feed point.
Some success in 10m contest on 2022-01-07, but tuning was way to low.

Moxxon for 6m
good results, but disassemled
Receive Antennas
Magnetic Antennas
Youloop passive magnetic

MegaLoop MLA-30+ active loop

Electically short antennas
Following a design called MiniWhip by PA0RDT
Pre-assembled marked RA0SMS

Kit version marked IP33

Dummy loads
- QRPLabs 20W resistors, good for HF w/ BNC socket
- Spinner 80W DC-3GHz w/ N jack
- Spinner 400W DC-3GHz w/ 7/16 jack and variable 4 port coupler
- some RF resistors, not integrated
- attenuators 5W 40dB, 1W 5db,10dB, 20dB
- 3 port variable coupler N jacks