/* vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et cindent: */ /* * nanodc - The ncurses DC++ client * Copyright © 2005-2006 Markus Lindqvist * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Contributor(s): * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace ui { WindowHub::WindowHub(const std::string &address): m_client(0), m_lastJoin(0), m_joined(false), m_timer(false), m_currentUser(m_users.end()) { set_title(address); set_name(address); m_type = display::TYPE_HUBWINDOW; update_config(); } void WindowHub::update_config() { utils::Lock l(m_mutex); this->ScrolledWindow::update_config(); core::Settings *settings = core::Settings::get(); m_showNicks = settings->find_vector("show_joins_nicks"); m_ignoreNicks = settings->find_vector("ignore_nicks"); m_highlights = settings->find_vector("hilight_words"); if(m_client) { core::StringVector vec = settings->find_vector("show_joins_hubs"); m_showJoinsOnThisHub = utils::find_in_string(m_client->getAddress(), vec.begin(), vec.end()); } m_showJoins = settings->find_bool("show_joins", false); m_showNickList = settings->find_bool("show_nicklist", false); m_resolveIps = settings->find_bool("resolve_ips", false); m_utf8 = settings->find_bool("utf8_input", false); m_nmdcCharset = settings->find("nmdc_charset", "ISO-8859-1"); } void WindowHub::handle_line(const std::string &line) { utils::Lock l(m_mutex); if(!m_client || !m_client->isConnected()) return; if(m_utf8 && m_client->getHubUrl().find("adc://") != 0) { try { m_client->hubMessage(utils::convert(line, "UTF-8", m_nmdcCharset)); } catch(std::exception &e) { core::Log::get()->log(std::string("WindowHub::handle_line():") + e.what()); } } else { m_client->hubMessage(line); } } void WindowHub::on(TimerManagerListener::Second, u_int32_t) throw() { utils::Lock l(m_mutex); // group users in 2 seconds if(m_lastJoin && !m_joined && m_lastJoin+2000 < TimerManager::getInstance()->getTick()) { m_joined = true; TimerManager::getInstance()->removeListener(this); m_timer = false; if(m_client->isConnected()) { add_line(display::LineEntry("Joined to the hub")); if(m_showNickList) print_names(); } } } void WindowHub::on(Message, Client *, const OnlineUser& user, const std::string& msg) throw() { utils::Lock l(m_mutex); std::string temp(msg); std::replace(temp.begin(), temp.end(), '\n', ' '); temp = strings::escape(temp); std::string nick = user.getIdentity().getNick(); // don't show the message if the nick is ignored int matches = std::count_if(m_ignoreNicks.begin(), m_ignoreNicks.end(), std::bind1st(std::equal_to(), nick)); if(matches) return; display::LineEntry::Type flag = display::LineEntry::MESSAGE; /* XXX: this is a bug in core? * m_client->getMyNick() returns the real nick * user.getUser()->getFirstNick() returns SETTING(NICK) */ std::string realNick = m_client->getMyNick(); std::string nick2 = SETTING(NICK); if(nick2 == nick || nick == realNick) { /* bold my own nick */ nick = "%21" + realNick + "%21"; } else if(utils::find_in_string(temp, m_highlights.begin(), m_highlights.end())) { nick = "%21%06" + nick + "%21%06"; flag = display::LineEntry::HIGHLIGHT; } bool op = user.getIdentity().isOp(); bool bot = user.getIdentity().isBot(); char status = (op ? '@' : (bot ? '$' : ' ')); std::ostringstream line; line << "%21%08<%21%08" << status << nick << "%21%08>%21%08 " << temp; int indent = 4 + g_utf8_strlen(nick.c_str(), -1); add_line(display::LineEntry(line.str(), indent, time(0), flag)); } void WindowHub::on(StatusMessage, Client*, const string& line) throw() { std::string tmp = strings::escape(line); if(!tmp.empty()) add_line(display::LineEntry(tmp)); else core::Log::get()->log("WindowHub::on(StatusMessage...): received empty line from " + m_client->getAddress()); } void WindowHub::on(PrivateMessage, Client *cl, const OnlineUser &from, const OnlineUser &to, const OnlineUser &replyto, const string &msg) throw() { utils::Lock l(m_mutex); core::Log::get()->log("privmsg: From:" + from.getIdentity().getNick() + ", To: " + to.getIdentity().getNick() + " reply: " + replyto.getIdentity().getNick() + " Message:" + msg); display::Manager *dm = display::Manager::get(); ui::WindowPrivateMessage *pm; UserPtr user = from.getUser(); /* true if we sent the message */ bool me = false; /* XXX: see the explanation in WindowHub::on(Message, ...) */ std::string realNick = m_client->getMyNick(); if(replyto.getUser() == ClientManager::getInstance()->getMe() || from.getIdentity().getNick() == SETTING(NICK)) { me = true; user = to.getUser(); } std::string name = "PM:" + to.getIdentity().getNick(); display::Windows::iterator it = dm->find(name); if(it == dm->end()) { /* don't filter if i'm the sender */ if(!me && !filter_messages(to.getIdentity().getNick(), msg)) { return; } pm = new ui::WindowPrivateMessage(user, realNick); dm->push_back(pm); } else { pm = dynamic_cast(*it); } std::string temp = msg; std::replace_if(temp.begin(), temp.end(), std::bind2nd(std::equal_to(), '\n'), '\\'); if(me) { pm->add_line("%21%08<%21%08%21" + realNick + "%21%21%08>%21%08 " + temp); } else { pm->add_line("%21%08<%21%08" + from.getIdentity().getNick() + "%21%08>%21%08 " + temp); if(pm->get_state() != display::STATE_IS_ACTIVE) pm->set_state(display::STATE_HIGHLIGHT); } } void WindowHub::on(UserUpdated, Client*, const OnlineUser &user) throw() { utils::Lock l(m_mutex); std::string nick = user.getIdentity().getNick(); if( m_joined && m_users.find(nick) == m_users.end() && (m_showJoins || m_showJoinsOnThisHub || utils::find_in_string(nick, m_showNicks.begin(), m_showNicks.end()) ) ) { // Lehmis [] has joined the hub std::ostringstream oss; std::string ip = user.getIdentity().getIp(); oss << "%03%21" << nick << "%03%21 "; if(!ip.empty()) { if(m_resolveIps) { try { ip = utils::ip_to_host(ip); } catch(std::exception &e) { //core::Log::get()->log("utils::ip_to_host(" + ip + "): " + std::string(e.what())); } } oss << "%21%08[%21%08%03" << ip << "%03%21%08]%21%08 "; } oss << "has joined the hub"; add_line(display::LineEntry(oss.str())); } m_lastJoin = TimerManager::getInstance()->getTick(); m_users[nick] = &user; } void WindowHub::on(UserRemoved, Client*, const OnlineUser &user) throw() { utils::Lock l(m_mutex); std::string nick = user.getIdentity().getNick(); m_users.erase(m_users.find(nick)); bool showJoin = m_showJoins || m_showJoinsOnThisHub || utils::find_in_string(nick, m_showNicks.begin(), m_showNicks.end()); if(m_users.find(nick) == m_users.end() && m_joined && showJoin) { // Lehmis [] has left the hub std::ostringstream oss; std::string ip = user.getIdentity().getIp(); oss << "%03" << nick << "%03 "; if(!ip.empty()) { if(m_resolveIps) { try { ip = utils::ip_to_host(ip); } catch(std::exception &e) { //core::Log::get()->log("utils::ip_to_host(" + ip + "): " + std::string(e.what())); } } oss << "%21%08[%21%08" << ip << "%21%08]%21%08 "; } oss << "has left the hub"; add_line(display::LineEntry(oss.str())); } if(!m_joined) { m_joined = true; if(m_timer) { TimerManager::getInstance()->removeListener(this); m_timer = false; } if(m_client->isConnected()) { add_line(display::LineEntry("Joined to the hub")); if(m_showNickList) print_names(); } else { core::Log::get()->log(m_client->getAddress() + " is not connected"); } } } void WindowHub::on(UsersUpdated, Client*, const OnlineUser::List &users) throw() { utils::Lock l(m_mutex); OnlineUser::List::const_iterator it; for(it = users.begin(); it != users.end(); ++it) { m_users[(*it)->getIdentity().getNick()] = *it; } } void WindowHub::on(GetPassword, Client*) throw() { utils::Lock l(m_mutex); add_line(display::LineEntry("Sending password")); m_client->password(m_client->getPassword()); } void WindowHub::on(HubUpdated, Client *client) throw() { utils::Lock l(m_mutex); std::string title = client->getHubName() + client->getHubDescription(); set_title(title); } void WindowHub::on(Failed, Client*, const string& msg) throw() { utils::Lock l(m_mutex); set_title(m_client->getAddress() + " (offline)"); add_line(display::LineEntry(msg)); m_joined = false; if(m_timer) { TimerManager::getInstance()->removeListener(this); m_timer = false; } m_lastJoin = 0; m_users.clear(); } void WindowHub::connect(std::string address, std::string nick, std::string password, std::string desc) { utils::Lock l(m_mutex); m_client = ClientManager::getInstance()->getClient(address); if(!password.empty()) m_client->setPassword(password); if(!desc.empty()) m_client->setCurrentDescription(desc); if(!nick.empty()) m_client->setCurrentNick(nick); m_client->addListener(this); m_client->connect(); if(!nick.empty()) m_client->setCurrentNick(nick); core::StringVector vec = core::Settings::get()->find_vector("show_joins_hubs"); m_showJoinsOnThisHub = utils::find_in_string(m_client->getAddress(), vec.begin(), vec.end()); } void WindowHub::connect() { utils::Lock l(m_mutex); m_client->connect(); } struct _identity { typedef bool result_type; _identity(bool (Identity::*__pf)()const) : _M_f(__pf) {} bool operator()(const std::pair &pair) const { return (pair.second->getIdentity().*_M_f)(); } bool (Identity::*_M_f)()const; }; void WindowHub::print_names() { std::string time = utils::time_to_string("[%H:%M:%S] "); for(UserIter i=m_users.begin(); i != m_users.end();) { std::ostringstream oss; for(int j=0; j<3 && i != m_users.end(); ++j, ++i) { int length = strings::length(i->first) - 18; oss << "%21%08[%21%08" << i->first << std::string(std::max(0, length), ' ') << "%21%08]%21%08 "; } display::LineEntry line(oss.str(), 0, -1, display::LineEntry::MESSAGE); add_line(line, false); } int ops = std::count_if(m_users.begin(), m_users.end(), _identity(&Identity::isOp)); int bots = std::count_if(m_users.begin(), m_users.end(), _identity(&Identity::isBot)); int active = std::count_if(m_users.begin(), m_users.end(), _identity(&Identity::isTcpActive)); int hidden = std::count_if(m_users.begin(), m_users.end(), _identity(&Identity::isHidden)); std::ostringstream oss; oss << m_users.size() << " users " << ops << "/" << bots << "/" << m_users.size()-active << "/" << hidden << " ops/bots/passive/hidden"; add_line(display::LineEntry(oss.str())); } void WindowHub::on(Connected, Client*) throw() { utils::Lock l(m_mutex); add_line(display::LineEntry("Connected")); set_title(m_client->getHubName()); TimerManager::getInstance()->addListener(this); m_timer = true; } bool WindowHub::filter_messages(const std::string &nick, const std::string &msg) { utils::Lock l(m_mutex); core::Settings *settings = core::Settings::get(); core::StringVector blocked; if(!settings->exists("block_messages")) { // block urls by default core::Settings::get()->set("block_messages", "http://;www."); } blocked = core::Settings::get()->find_vector("block_messages"); if (utils::find_in_string(msg, blocked.begin(), blocked.end()) || utils::find_in_string(nick, m_ignoreNicks.begin(), m_ignoreNicks.end())) { core::Log::get()->log("%21Ignore:%21 from: " + nick + ", msg: " + msg, core::MT_DEBUG); return false; } return true; } std::string WindowHub::get_nick() const { if(!m_client) return utils::empty_string; std::string nick; if(m_client->isOp()) nick = "%21@%21"; nick += m_client->getMyNick(); return nick; } const OnlineUser *WindowHub::get_user(const std::string &nick) throw(std::out_of_range) { utils::Lock l(m_mutex); Users::const_iterator it = m_users.find(nick); if(it == m_users.end()) throw std::out_of_range("user not found"); return it->second; } WindowHub::~WindowHub() { if(m_timer) TimerManager::getInstance()->removeListener(this); if(m_client) { m_client->removeListener(this); ClientManager::getInstance()->putClient(m_client); } m_users.clear(); } } // namespace ui