/* * Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Jacek Sieka, arnetheduck on gmail point com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef DCPLUSPLUS_DCPP_TEXT_H #define DCPLUSPLUS_DCPP_TEXT_H namespace dcpp { /** * Text handling routines for DC++. DC++ internally uses UTF-8 for * (almost) all string:s, hence all foreign text must be converted * appropriately... * acp - ANSI code page used by the system * wide - wide unicode string * utf8 - UTF-8 representation of the string * t - current GUI text format * string - UTF-8 string (most of the time) * wstring - Wide string * tstring - GUI type string (acp string or wide string depending on build type) */ namespace Text { extern const string utf8; extern string systemCharset; void initialize(); const string& acpToUtf8(const string& str, string& tmp) throw(); inline string acpToUtf8(const string& str) throw() { string tmp; return acpToUtf8(str, tmp); } const wstring& acpToWide(const string& str, wstring& tmp) throw(); inline wstring acpToWide(const string& str) throw() { wstring tmp; return acpToWide(str, tmp); } const string& utf8ToAcp(const string& str, string& tmp) throw(); inline string utf8ToAcp(const string& str) throw() { string tmp; return utf8ToAcp(str, tmp); } const wstring& utf8ToWide(const string& str, wstring& tmp) throw(); inline wstring utf8ToWide(const string& str) throw() { wstring tmp; return utf8ToWide(str, tmp); } const string& wideToAcp(const wstring& str, string& tmp) throw(); inline string wideToAcp(const wstring& str) throw() { string tmp; return wideToAcp(str, tmp); } const string& wideToUtf8(const wstring& str, string& tmp) throw(); inline string wideToUtf8(const wstring& str) throw() { string tmp; return wideToUtf8(str, tmp); } int utf8ToWc(const char* str, wchar_t& c); void wcToUtf8(wchar_t c, string& str); #ifdef UNICODE inline const tstring& toT(const string& str, tstring& tmp) throw() { return utf8ToWide(str, tmp); } inline tstring toT(const string& str) throw() { return utf8ToWide(str); } inline const string& fromT(const tstring& str, string& tmp) throw() { return wideToUtf8(str, tmp); } inline string fromT(const tstring& str) throw() { return wideToUtf8(str); } #else inline const tstring& toT(const string& str, tstring& tmp) throw() { return utf8ToAcp(str, tmp); } inline tstring toT(const string& str) throw() { return utf8ToAcp(str); } inline const string& fromT(const tstring& str, string& tmp) throw() { return acpToUtf8(str, tmp); } inline string fromT(const tstring& str) throw() { return acpToUtf8(str); } #endif inline bool isAscii(const string& str) throw() { return isAscii(str.c_str()); } bool isAscii(const char* str) throw(); bool validateUtf8(const string& str) throw(); inline char asciiToLower(char c) { dcassert((((uint8_t)c) & 0x80) == 0); return (char)tolower(c); } wchar_t toLower(wchar_t c) throw(); const wstring& toLower(const wstring& str, wstring& tmp) throw(); inline wstring toLower(const wstring& str) throw() { wstring tmp; return toLower(str, tmp); } const string& toLower(const string& str, string& tmp) throw(); inline string toLower(const string& str) throw() { string tmp; return toLower(str, tmp); } const string& convert(const string& str, string& tmp, const string& fromCharset, const string& toCharset) throw(); inline string convert(const string& str, const string& fromCharset, const string& toCharset) throw() { string tmp; return convert(str, tmp, fromCharset, toCharset); } const string& toUtf8(const string& str, const string& fromCharset, string& tmp) throw(); inline string toUtf8(const string& str, const string& fromCharset = systemCharset) { string tmp; return toUtf8(str, fromCharset, tmp); } const string& fromUtf8(const string& str, const string& toCharset, string& tmp) throw(); inline string fromUtf8(const string& str, const string& toCharset = systemCharset) throw() { string tmp; return fromUtf8(str, toCharset, tmp); } string toDOS(string tmp); wstring toDOS(wstring tmp); } } // namespace dcpp #endif