/* * Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Jacek Sieka, arnetheduck on gmail point com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdinc.h" #include "DCPlusPlus.h" #include "Socket.h" #include "SettingsManager.h" #include "TimerManager.h" namespace dcpp { string Socket::udpServer; uint16_t Socket::udpPort; #define checkconnected() if(!isConnected()) throw SocketException(ENOTCONN)) #ifdef _DEBUG SocketException::SocketException(int aError) throw() { error = "SocketException: " + errorToString(aError); dcdebug("Thrown: %s\n", error.c_str()); } #else // _DEBUG SocketException::SocketException(int aError) throw() : Exception(errorToString(aError)) { } #endif Socket::Stats Socket::stats = { 0, 0 }; static const uint32_t SOCKS_TIMEOUT = 30000; string SocketException::errorToString(int aError) throw() { string msg = Util::translateError(aError); if(msg.empty()) { msg = str(F_("Unknown error: 0x%1$x") % aError); } return msg; } void Socket::create(int aType /* = TYPE_TCP */) throw(SocketException) { if(sock != INVALID_SOCKET) disconnect(); switch(aType) { case TYPE_TCP: sock = checksocket(socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)); break; case TYPE_UDP: sock = checksocket(socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)); break; default: dcasserta(0); } type = aType; setBlocking(true); } void Socket::accept(const Socket& listeningSocket) throw(SocketException) { if(sock != INVALID_SOCKET) { disconnect(); } sockaddr_in sock_addr; socklen_t sz = sizeof(sock_addr); do { sock = ::accept(listeningSocket.sock, (sockaddr*)&sock_addr, &sz); } while (sock == SOCKET_ERROR && getLastError() == EINTR); check(sock); #ifdef _WIN32 // Make sure we disable any inherited windows message things for this socket. ::WSAAsyncSelect(sock, NULL, 0, 0); #endif type = TYPE_TCP; setIp(inet_ntoa(sock_addr.sin_addr)); connected = true; setBlocking(true); } uint16_t Socket::bind(uint16_t aPort, const string& aIp /* = */) throw (SocketException){ sockaddr_in sock_addr; sock_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; sock_addr.sin_port = htons(aPort); sock_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(aIp.c_str()); if(::bind(sock, (sockaddr *)&sock_addr, sizeof(sock_addr)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { dcdebug("Bind failed, retrying with INADDR_ANY: %s\n", SocketException(getLastError()).getError().c_str()); sock_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); check(::bind(sock, (sockaddr *)&sock_addr, sizeof(sock_addr))); } socklen_t size = sizeof(sock_addr); getsockname(sock, (sockaddr*)&sock_addr, (socklen_t*)&size); return ntohs(sock_addr.sin_port); } void Socket::listen() throw(SocketException) { check(::listen(sock, 20)); connected = true; } void Socket::connect(const string& aAddr, uint16_t aPort) throw(SocketException) { sockaddr_in serv_addr; if(sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { create(TYPE_TCP); } string addr = resolve(aAddr); memset(&serv_addr, 0, sizeof(serv_addr)); serv_addr.sin_port = htons(aPort); serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(addr.c_str()); int result; do { result = ::connect(sock,(sockaddr*)&serv_addr,sizeof(serv_addr)); } while (result < 0 && getLastError() == EINTR); check(result, true); connected = true; setIp(addr); } namespace { inline uint32_t timeLeft(uint32_t start, uint32_t timeout) { if(timeout == 0) { return 0; } uint64_t now = GET_TICK(); if(start + timeout < now) throw SocketException(_("Connection timeout")); return start + timeout - now; } } void Socket::socksConnect(const string& aAddr, uint16_t aPort, uint32_t timeout) throw(SocketException) { if(SETTING(SOCKS_SERVER).empty() || SETTING(SOCKS_PORT) == 0) { throw SocketException(_("The socks server failed establish a connection")); } bool oldblock = getBlocking(); setBlocking(false); uint64_t start = GET_TICK(); connect(SETTING(SOCKS_SERVER), static_cast(SETTING(SOCKS_PORT))); if(wait(timeLeft(start, timeout), WAIT_CONNECT) != WAIT_CONNECT) { throw SocketException(_("The socks server failed establish a connection")); } socksAuth(timeLeft(start, timeout)); ByteVector connStr; // Authenticated, let's get on with it... connStr.push_back(5); // SOCKSv5 connStr.push_back(1); // Connect connStr.push_back(0); // Reserved if(BOOLSETTING(SOCKS_RESOLVE)) { connStr.push_back(3); // Address type: domain name connStr.push_back((uint8_t)aAddr.size()); connStr.insert(connStr.end(), aAddr.begin(), aAddr.end()); } else { connStr.push_back(1); // Address type: IPv4; unsigned long addr = inet_addr(resolve(aAddr).c_str()); uint8_t* paddr = (uint8_t*)&addr; connStr.insert(connStr.end(), paddr, paddr+4); } uint16_t port = htons(aPort); uint8_t* pport = (uint8_t*)&port; connStr.push_back(pport[0]); connStr.push_back(pport[1]); writeAll(&connStr[0], connStr.size(), timeLeft(start, timeout)); // We assume we'll get a ipv4 address back...therefore, 10 bytes... /// @todo add support for ipv6 if(readAll(&connStr[0], 10, timeLeft(start, timeout)) != 10) { throw SocketException(_("The socks server failed establish a connection")); } if(connStr[0] != 5 || connStr[1] != 0) { throw SocketException(_("The socks server failed establish a connection")); } in_addr sock_addr; memset(&sock_addr, 0, sizeof(sock_addr)); sock_addr.s_addr = *((unsigned long*)&connStr[4]); setIp(inet_ntoa(sock_addr)); if(oldblock) setBlocking(oldblock); } void Socket::socksAuth(uint32_t timeout) throw(SocketException) { vector connStr; uint64_t start = GET_TICK(); if(SETTING(SOCKS_USER).empty() && SETTING(SOCKS_PASSWORD).empty()) { // No username and pw, easier...=) connStr.push_back(5); // SOCKSv5 connStr.push_back(1); // 1 method connStr.push_back(0); // Method 0: No auth... writeAll(&connStr[0], 3, timeLeft(start, timeout)); if(readAll(&connStr[0], 2, timeLeft(start, timeout)) != 2) { throw SocketException(_("The socks server failed establish a connection")); } if(connStr[1] != 0) { throw SocketException(_("The socks server requires authentication")); } } else { // We try the username and password auth type (no, we don't support gssapi) connStr.push_back(5); // SOCKSv5 connStr.push_back(1); // 1 method connStr.push_back(2); // Method 2: Name/Password... writeAll(&connStr[0], 3, timeLeft(start, timeout)); if(readAll(&connStr[0], 2, timeLeft(start, timeout)) != 2) { throw SocketException(_("The socks server failed establish a connection")); } if(connStr[1] != 2) { throw SocketException(_("The socks server doesn't support login / password authentication")); } connStr.clear(); // Now we send the username / pw... connStr.push_back(1); connStr.push_back((uint8_t)SETTING(SOCKS_USER).length()); connStr.insert(connStr.end(), SETTING(SOCKS_USER).begin(), SETTING(SOCKS_USER).end()); connStr.push_back((uint8_t)SETTING(SOCKS_PASSWORD).length()); connStr.insert(connStr.end(), SETTING(SOCKS_PASSWORD).begin(), SETTING(SOCKS_PASSWORD).end()); writeAll(&connStr[0], connStr.size(), timeLeft(start, timeout)); if(readAll(&connStr[0], 2, timeLeft(start, timeout)) != 2) { throw SocketException(_("Socks server authentication failed (bad login / password?)")); } if(connStr[1] != 0) { throw SocketException(_("Socks server authentication failed (bad login / password?)")); } } } int Socket::getSocketOptInt(int option) throw(SocketException) { int val; socklen_t len = sizeof(val); check(::getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, option, (char*)&val, &len)); return val; } void Socket::setSocketOpt(int option, int val) throw(SocketException) { int len = sizeof(val); check(::setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, option, (char*)&val, len)); } int Socket::read(void* aBuffer, int aBufLen) throw(SocketException) { int len = 0; dcassert(type == TYPE_TCP || type == TYPE_UDP); do { if(type == TYPE_TCP) { len = ::recv(sock, (char*)aBuffer, aBufLen, 0); } else { len = ::recvfrom(sock, (char*)aBuffer, aBufLen, 0, NULL, NULL); } } while (len < 0 && getLastError() == EINTR); check(len, true); if(len > 0) { stats.totalDown += len; } return len; } int Socket::read(void* aBuffer, int aBufLen, string &aIP) throw(SocketException) { dcassert(type == TYPE_UDP); sockaddr_in remote_addr = { 0 }; socklen_t addr_length = sizeof(remote_addr); int len; do { len = ::recvfrom(sock, (char*)aBuffer, aBufLen, 0, (sockaddr*)&remote_addr, &addr_length); } while (len < 0 && getLastError() == EINTR); check(len, true); if(len > 0) { aIP = inet_ntoa(remote_addr.sin_addr); stats.totalDown += len; } else { aIP.clear(); } return len; } int Socket::readAll(void* aBuffer, int aBufLen, uint32_t timeout) throw(SocketException) { uint8_t* buf = (uint8_t*)aBuffer; int i = 0; while(i < aBufLen) { int j = read(buf + i, aBufLen - i); if(j == 0) { return i; } else if(j == -1) { if(wait(timeout, WAIT_READ) != WAIT_READ) { return i; } continue; } i += j; } return i; } void Socket::writeAll(const void* aBuffer, int aLen, uint32_t timeout) throw(SocketException) { const uint8_t* buf = (const uint8_t*)aBuffer; int pos = 0; // No use sending more than this at a time... int sendSize = getSocketOptInt(SO_SNDBUF); while(pos < aLen) { int i = write(buf+pos, (int)min(aLen-pos, sendSize)); if(i == -1) { wait(timeout, WAIT_WRITE); } else { pos+=i; stats.totalUp += i; } } } int Socket::write(const void* aBuffer, int aLen) throw(SocketException) { int sent; do { sent = ::send(sock, (const char*)aBuffer, aLen, 0); } while (sent < 0 && getLastError() == EINTR); check(sent, true); if(sent > 0) { stats.totalUp += sent; } return sent; } /** * Sends data, will block until all data has been sent or an exception occurs * @param aBuffer Buffer with data * @param aLen Data length * @throw SocketExcpetion Send failed. */ void Socket::writeTo(const string& aAddr, uint16_t aPort, const void* aBuffer, int aLen, bool proxy) throw(SocketException) { if(aLen <= 0) return; uint8_t* buf = (uint8_t*)aBuffer; if(sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { create(TYPE_UDP); } dcassert(type == TYPE_UDP); sockaddr_in serv_addr; if(aAddr.empty() || aPort == 0) { throw SocketException(EADDRNOTAVAIL); } memset(&serv_addr, 0, sizeof(serv_addr)); int sent; if(SETTING(OUTGOING_CONNECTIONS) == SettingsManager::OUTGOING_SOCKS5 && proxy) { if(udpServer.empty() || udpPort == 0) { throw SocketException(_("Failed to set up the socks server for UDP relay (check socks address and port)")); } serv_addr.sin_port = htons(udpPort); serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(udpServer.c_str()); string s = BOOLSETTING(SOCKS_RESOLVE) ? resolve(ip) : ip; vector connStr; connStr.push_back(0); // Reserved connStr.push_back(0); // Reserved connStr.push_back(0); // Fragment number, always 0 in our case... if(BOOLSETTING(SOCKS_RESOLVE)) { connStr.push_back(3); connStr.push_back((uint8_t)s.size()); connStr.insert(connStr.end(), aAddr.begin(), aAddr.end()); } else { connStr.push_back(1); // Address type: IPv4; unsigned long addr = inet_addr(resolve(aAddr).c_str()); uint8_t* paddr = (uint8_t*)&addr; connStr.insert(connStr.end(), paddr, paddr+4); } connStr.insert(connStr.end(), buf, buf + aLen); do { sent = ::sendto(sock, (const char*)&connStr[0], connStr.size(), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)); } while (sent < 0 && getLastError() == EINTR); } else { serv_addr.sin_port = htons(aPort); serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(resolve(aAddr).c_str()); do { sent = ::sendto(sock, (const char*)aBuffer, (int)aLen, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)); } while (sent < 0 && getLastError() == EINTR); } check(sent); stats.totalUp += sent; } /** * Blocks until timeout is reached one of the specified conditions have been fulfilled * @param millis Max milliseconds to block. * @param waitFor WAIT_*** flags that set what we're waiting for, set to the combination of flags that * triggered the wait stop on return (==WAIT_NONE on timeout) * @return WAIT_*** ored together of the current state. * @throw SocketException Select or the connection attempt failed. */ int Socket::wait(uint32_t millis, int waitFor) throw(SocketException) { timeval tv; fd_set rfd, wfd, efd; fd_set *rfdp = NULL, *wfdp = NULL; tv.tv_sec = millis/1000; tv.tv_usec = (millis%1000)*1000; if(waitFor & WAIT_CONNECT) { dcassert(!(waitFor & WAIT_READ) && !(waitFor & WAIT_WRITE)); int result; do { FD_ZERO(&wfd); FD_ZERO(&efd); FD_SET(sock, &wfd); FD_SET(sock, &efd); result = select((int)(sock+1), 0, &wfd, &efd, &tv); } while (result < 0 && getLastError() == EINTR); check(result); if(FD_ISSET(sock, &wfd)) { return WAIT_CONNECT; } if(FD_ISSET(sock, &efd)) { int y = 0; socklen_t z = sizeof(y); check(getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char*)&y, &z)); if(y != 0) throw SocketException(y); // No errors! We're connected (?)... return WAIT_CONNECT; } return 0; } int result; do { if(waitFor & WAIT_READ) { dcassert(!(waitFor & WAIT_CONNECT)); rfdp = &rfd; FD_ZERO(rfdp); FD_SET(sock, rfdp); } if(waitFor & WAIT_WRITE) { dcassert(!(waitFor & WAIT_CONNECT)); wfdp = &wfd; FD_ZERO(wfdp); FD_SET(sock, wfdp); } result = select((int)(sock+1), rfdp, wfdp, NULL, &tv); } while (result < 0 && getLastError() == EINTR); check(result); waitFor = WAIT_NONE; if(rfdp && FD_ISSET(sock, rfdp)) { waitFor |= WAIT_READ; } if(wfdp && FD_ISSET(sock, wfdp)) { waitFor |= WAIT_WRITE; } return waitFor; } string Socket::resolve(const string& aDns) { sockaddr_in sock_addr; memset(&sock_addr, 0, sizeof(sock_addr)); sock_addr.sin_port = 0; sock_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; sock_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(aDns.c_str()); if (sock_addr.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) { /* server address is a name or invalid */ hostent* host; host = gethostbyname(aDns.c_str()); if (host == NULL) { return Util::emptyString; } sock_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = *((uint32_t*)host->h_addr); return inet_ntoa(sock_addr.sin_addr); } else { return aDns; } } string Socket::getLocalIp() throw() { if(sock == INVALID_SOCKET) return Util::emptyString; sockaddr_in sock_addr; socklen_t len = sizeof(sock_addr); if(getsockname(sock, (sockaddr*)&sock_addr, &len) == 0) { return inet_ntoa(sock_addr.sin_addr); } return Util::emptyString; } void Socket::socksUpdated() { udpServer.clear(); udpPort = 0; if(SETTING(OUTGOING_CONNECTIONS) == SettingsManager::OUTGOING_SOCKS5) { try { Socket s; s.setBlocking(false); s.connect(SETTING(SOCKS_SERVER), static_cast(SETTING(SOCKS_PORT))); s.socksAuth(SOCKS_TIMEOUT); char connStr[10]; connStr[0] = 5; // SOCKSv5 connStr[1] = 3; // UDP Associate connStr[2] = 0; // Reserved connStr[3] = 1; // Address type: IPv4; *((long*)(&connStr[4])) = 0; // No specific outgoing UDP address *((uint16_t*)(&connStr[8])) = 0; // No specific port... s.writeAll(connStr, 10, SOCKS_TIMEOUT); // We assume we'll get a ipv4 address back...therefore, 10 bytes...if not, things // will break, but hey...noone's perfect (and I'm tired...)... if(s.readAll(connStr, 10, SOCKS_TIMEOUT) != 10) { return; } if(connStr[0] != 5 || connStr[1] != 0) { return; } udpPort = static_cast(ntohs(*((uint16_t*)(&connStr[8])))); in_addr serv_addr; memset(&serv_addr, 0, sizeof(serv_addr)); serv_addr.s_addr = *((long*)(&connStr[4])); udpServer = inet_ntoa(serv_addr); } catch(const SocketException&) { dcdebug("Socket: Failed to register with socks server\n"); } } } void Socket::shutdown() throw() { if(sock != INVALID_SOCKET) ::shutdown(sock, 2); } void Socket::close() throw() { if(sock != INVALID_SOCKET) { #ifdef _WIN32 ::closesocket(sock); #else ::close(sock); #endif connected = false; sock = INVALID_SOCKET; } } void Socket::disconnect() throw() { shutdown(); close(); } } // namespace dcpp