/* * Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Jacek Sieka, arnetheduck on gmail point com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdinc.h" #include "DCPlusPlus.h" #include "NmdcHub.h" #include "ClientManager.h" #include "SearchManager.h" #include "ShareManager.h" #include "CryptoManager.h" #include "ConnectionManager.h" #include "Socket.h" #include "UserCommand.h" #include "StringTokenizer.h" namespace dcpp { NmdcHub::NmdcHub(const string& aHubURL) : Client(aHubURL, '|', false), supportFlags(0), lastUpdate(0) { } NmdcHub::~NmdcHub() throw() { clearUsers(); } #define checkstate() if(state != STATE_NORMAL) return void NmdcHub::connect(const OnlineUser& aUser, const string&) { checkstate(); dcdebug("NmdcHub::connect %s\n", aUser.getIdentity().getNick().c_str()); if(ClientManager::getInstance()->isActive()) { connectToMe(aUser); } else { revConnectToMe(aUser); } } int64_t NmdcHub::getAvailable() const { Lock l(cs); int64_t x = 0; for(NickMap::const_iterator i = users.begin(); i != users.end(); ++i) { x+=i->second->getIdentity().getBytesShared(); } return x; } OnlineUser& NmdcHub::getUser(const string& aNick) { OnlineUser* u = NULL; { Lock l(cs); NickIter i = users.find(aNick); if(i != users.end()) return *i->second; } UserPtr p; if(aNick == getCurrentNick()) { p = ClientManager::getInstance()->getMe(); } else { p = ClientManager::getInstance()->getUser(aNick, getHubUrl()); } { Lock l(cs); u = users.insert(make_pair(aNick, new OnlineUser(p, *this, 0))).first->second; u->getIdentity().setNick(aNick); if(u->getUser() == getMyIdentity().getUser()) { setMyIdentity(u->getIdentity()); } } ClientManager::getInstance()->putOnline(u); return *u; } void NmdcHub::supports(const StringList& feat) { string x; for(StringList::const_iterator i = feat.begin(); i != feat.end(); ++i) { x+= *i + ' '; } send("$Supports " + x + '|'); } OnlineUser* NmdcHub::findUser(const string& aNick) { Lock l(cs); NickIter i = users.find(aNick); return i == users.end() ? NULL : i->second; } void NmdcHub::putUser(const string& aNick) { OnlineUser* ou = NULL; { Lock l(cs); NickIter i = users.find(aNick); if(i == users.end()) return; ou = i->second; users.erase(i); } ClientManager::getInstance()->putOffline(ou); delete ou; } void NmdcHub::clearUsers() { NickMap u2; { Lock l(cs); u2.swap(users); } for(NickIter i = u2.begin(); i != u2.end(); ++i) { ClientManager::getInstance()->putOffline(i->second); delete i->second; } } void NmdcHub::updateFromTag(Identity& id, const string& tag) { StringTokenizer tok(tag, ','); for(StringIter i = tok.getTokens().begin(); i != tok.getTokens().end(); ++i) { if(i->length() < 2) continue; if(i->compare(0, 2, "H:") == 0) { StringTokenizer t(i->substr(2), '/'); if(t.getTokens().size() != 3) continue; id.set("HN", t.getTokens()[0]); id.set("HR", t.getTokens()[1]); id.set("HO", t.getTokens()[2]); } else if(i->compare(0, 2, "S:") == 0) { id.set("SL", i->substr(2)); } else if(i->find("V:") != string::npos) { string::size_type j = i->find("V:"); i->erase(i->begin() + j, i->begin() + j + 2); id.set("VE", *i); } else if(i->compare(0, 2, "M:") == 0) { if(i->size() == 3) { if((*i)[2] == 'A') id.getUser()->unsetFlag(User::PASSIVE); else id.getUser()->setFlag(User::PASSIVE); } } } /// @todo Think about this id.set("TA", '<' + tag + '>'); } void NmdcHub::onLine(const string& aLine) throw() { if(aLine.length() == 0) return; if(aLine[0] != '$') { // Check if we're being banned... if(state != STATE_NORMAL) { if(Util::findSubString(aLine, "banned") != string::npos) { setAutoReconnect(false); } } string line = toUtf8(aLine); if(line[0] != '<') { fire(ClientListener::StatusMessage(), this, unescape(line)); return; } string::size_type i = line.find('>', 2); if(i == string::npos) { fire(ClientListener::StatusMessage(), this, unescape(line)); return; } string nick = line.substr(1, i-1); string message; if((line.length()-1) > i) { message = line.substr(i+2); } else { fire(ClientListener::StatusMessage(), this, unescape(line)); return; } if((line.find("Hub-Security") != string::npos) && (line.find("was kicked by") != string::npos)) { fire(ClientListener::StatusMessage(), this, unescape(line), ClientListener::FLAG_IS_SPAM); return; } else if((line.find("is kicking") != string::npos) && (line.find("because:") != string::npos)) { fire(ClientListener::StatusMessage(), this, unescape(line), ClientListener::FLAG_IS_SPAM); return; } OnlineUser* ou = findUser(nick); if(ou) { fire(ClientListener::Message(), this, *ou, unescape(message)); } else { OnlineUser& o = getUser(nick); // Assume that messages from unknown users come from the hub o.getIdentity().setHub(true); o.getIdentity().setHidden(true); fire(ClientListener::UserUpdated(), this, o); fire(ClientListener::Message(), this, o, unescape(message)); } return; } string cmd; string param; string::size_type x; if( (x = aLine.find(' ')) == string::npos) { cmd = aLine; } else { cmd = aLine.substr(0, x); param = toUtf8(aLine.substr(x+1)); } if(cmd == "$Search") { if(state != STATE_NORMAL) { return; } string::size_type i = 0; string::size_type j = param.find(' ', i); if(j == string::npos || i == j) return; string seeker = param.substr(i, j-i); // Filter own searches if(ClientManager::getInstance()->isActive()) { if(seeker == (getLocalIp() + ":" + Util::toString(SearchManager::getInstance()->getPort()))) { return; } } else { // Hub:seeker if(Util::stricmp(seeker.c_str() + 4, getMyNick().c_str()) == 0) { return; } } i = j + 1; uint64_t tick = GET_TICK(); clearFlooders(tick); seekers.push_back(make_pair(seeker, tick)); // First, check if it's a flooder for(FloodIter fi = flooders.begin(); fi != flooders.end(); ++fi) { if(fi->first == seeker) { return; } } int count = 0; for(FloodIter fi = seekers.begin(); fi != seekers.end(); ++fi) { if(fi->first == seeker) count++; if(count > 7) { if(seeker.compare(0, 4, "Hub:") == 0) fire(ClientListener::SearchFlood(), this, seeker.substr(4)); else fire(ClientListener::SearchFlood(), this, str(F_("%1% (Nick unknown)") % seeker)); flooders.push_back(make_pair(seeker, tick)); return; } } int a; if(param[i] == 'F') { a = SearchManager::SIZE_DONTCARE; } else if(param[i+2] == 'F') { a = SearchManager::SIZE_ATLEAST; } else { a = SearchManager::SIZE_ATMOST; } i += 4; j = param.find('?', i); if(j == string::npos || i == j) return; string size = param.substr(i, j-i); i = j + 1; j = param.find('?', i); if(j == string::npos || i == j) return; int type = Util::toInt(param.substr(i, j-i)) - 1; i = j + 1; string terms = unescape(param.substr(i)); if(terms.size() > 0) { if(seeker.compare(0, 4, "Hub:") == 0) { OnlineUser* u = findUser(seeker.substr(4)); if(u == NULL) { return; } if(!u->getUser()->isSet(User::PASSIVE)) { u->getUser()->setFlag(User::PASSIVE); updated(*u); } } fire(ClientListener::NmdcSearch(), this, seeker, a, Util::toInt64(size), type, terms); } } else if(cmd == "$MyINFO") { string::size_type i, j; i = 5; j = param.find(' ', i); if( (j == string::npos) || (j == i) ) return; string nick = param.substr(i, j-i); if(nick.empty()) return; i = j + 1; OnlineUser& u = getUser(nick); // If he is already considered to be the hub (thus hidden), probably should appear in the UserList if(u.getIdentity().isHidden()) { u.getIdentity().setHidden(false); u.getIdentity().setHub(false); } j = param.find('$', i); if(j == string::npos) return; string tmpDesc = unescape(param.substr(i, j-i)); // Look for a tag... if(tmpDesc.size() > 0 && tmpDesc[tmpDesc.size()-1] == '>') { x = tmpDesc.rfind('<'); if(x != string::npos) { // Hm, we have something...disassemble it... updateFromTag(u.getIdentity(), tmpDesc.substr(x + 1, tmpDesc.length() - x - 2)); tmpDesc.erase(x); } } u.getIdentity().setDescription(tmpDesc); i = j + 3; j = param.find('$', i); if(j == string::npos) return; string connection = param.substr(i, j-i-1); if(connection.empty()) { // No connection = bot... u.getUser()->setFlag(User::BOT); u.getIdentity().setHub(false); } else { u.getUser()->unsetFlag(User::BOT); u.getIdentity().setBot(false); } u.getIdentity().setHub(false); u.getIdentity().setConnection(connection); i = j + 1; j = param.find('$', i); if(j == string::npos) return; u.getIdentity().setEmail(unescape(param.substr(i, j-i))); i = j + 1; j = param.find('$', i); if(j == string::npos) return; u.getIdentity().setBytesShared(param.substr(i, j-i)); if(u.getUser() == getMyIdentity().getUser()) { setMyIdentity(u.getIdentity()); } fire(ClientListener::UserUpdated(), this, u); } else if(cmd == "$Quit") { if(!param.empty()) { const string& nick = param; OnlineUser* u = findUser(nick); if(!u) return; fire(ClientListener::UserRemoved(), this, *u); putUser(nick); } } else if(cmd == "$ConnectToMe") { if(state != STATE_NORMAL) { return; } string::size_type i = param.find(' '); string::size_type j; if( (i == string::npos) || ((i + 1) >= param.size()) ) { return; } i++; j = param.find(':', i); if(j == string::npos) { return; } string server = param.substr(i, j-i); if(j+1 >= param.size()) { return; } string port = param.substr(j+1); // For simplicity, we make the assumption that users on a hub have the same character encoding ConnectionManager::getInstance()->nmdcConnect(server, (uint16_t)Util::toInt(port), getMyNick(), getHubUrl(), getEncoding()); } else if(cmd == "$RevConnectToMe") { if(state != STATE_NORMAL) { return; } string::size_type j = param.find(' '); if(j == string::npos) { return; } OnlineUser* u = findUser(param.substr(0, j)); if(u == NULL) return; if(ClientManager::getInstance()->isActive()) { connectToMe(*u); } else { if(!u->getUser()->isSet(User::PASSIVE)) { u->getUser()->setFlag(User::PASSIVE); // Notify the user that we're passive too... revConnectToMe(*u); updated(*u); return; } } } else if(cmd == "$SR") { SearchManager::getInstance()->onSearchResult(aLine); } else if(cmd == "$HubName") { // If " - " found, the first part goes to hub name, rest to description // If no " - " found, first word goes to hub name, rest to description string::size_type i = param.find(" - "); if(i == string::npos) { i = param.find(' '); if(i == string::npos) { getHubIdentity().setNick(unescape(param)); getHubIdentity().setDescription(Util::emptyString); } else { getHubIdentity().setNick(unescape(param.substr(0, i))); getHubIdentity().setDescription(unescape(param.substr(i+1))); } } else { getHubIdentity().setNick(unescape(param.substr(0, i))); getHubIdentity().setDescription(unescape(param.substr(i+3))); } fire(ClientListener::HubUpdated(), this); } else if(cmd == "$Supports") { StringTokenizer st(param, ' '); StringList& sl = st.getTokens(); for(StringIter i = sl.begin(); i != sl.end(); ++i) { if(*i == "UserCommand") { supportFlags |= SUPPORTS_USERCOMMAND; } else if(*i == "NoGetINFO") { supportFlags |= SUPPORTS_NOGETINFO; } else if(*i == "UserIP2") { supportFlags |= SUPPORTS_USERIP2; } } } else if(cmd == "$UserCommand") { string::size_type i = 0; string::size_type j = param.find(' '); if(j == string::npos) return; int type = Util::toInt(param.substr(0, j)); i = j+1; if(type == UserCommand::TYPE_SEPARATOR || type == UserCommand::TYPE_CLEAR) { int ctx = Util::toInt(param.substr(i)); fire(ClientListener::HubUserCommand(), this, type, ctx, Util::emptyString, Util::emptyString); } else if(type == UserCommand::TYPE_RAW || type == UserCommand::TYPE_RAW_ONCE) { j = param.find(' ', i); if(j == string::npos) return; int ctx = Util::toInt(param.substr(i)); i = j+1; j = param.find('$'); if(j == string::npos) return; string name = unescape(param.substr(i, j-i)); i = j+1; string command = unescape(param.substr(i, param.length() - i)); fire(ClientListener::HubUserCommand(), this, type, ctx, name, command); } } else if(cmd == "$Lock") { if(state != STATE_PROTOCOL) { return; } state = STATE_IDENTIFY; // Param must not be toUtf8'd... param = aLine.substr(6); if(!param.empty()) { string::size_type j = param.find(" Pk="); string lock, pk; if( j != string::npos ) { lock = param.substr(0, j); pk = param.substr(j + 4); } else { // Workaround for faulty linux hubs... j = param.find(" "); if(j != string::npos) lock = param.substr(0, j); else lock = param; } if(CryptoManager::getInstance()->isExtended(lock)) { StringList feat; feat.push_back("UserCommand"); feat.push_back("NoGetINFO"); feat.push_back("NoHello"); feat.push_back("UserIP2"); feat.push_back("TTHSearch"); feat.push_back("ZPipe0"); if(BOOLSETTING(COMPRESS_TRANSFERS)) feat.push_back("GetZBlock"); supports(feat); } key(CryptoManager::getInstance()->makeKey(lock)); OnlineUser& ou = getUser(getCurrentNick()); validateNick(ou.getIdentity().getNick()); } } else if(cmd == "$Hello") { if(!param.empty()) { OnlineUser& u = getUser(param); if(u.getUser() == getMyIdentity().getUser()) { u.getUser()->setFlag(User::DCPLUSPLUS); if(ClientManager::getInstance()->isActive()) u.getUser()->unsetFlag(User::PASSIVE); else u.getUser()->setFlag(User::PASSIVE); } if(state == STATE_IDENTIFY && u.getUser() == getMyIdentity().getUser()) { state = STATE_NORMAL; updateCounts(false); version(); getNickList(); myInfo(true); } fire(ClientListener::UserUpdated(), this, u); } } else if(cmd == "$ForceMove") { disconnect(false); fire(ClientListener::Redirect(), this, param); } else if(cmd == "$HubIsFull") { fire(ClientListener::HubFull(), this); } else if(cmd == "$ValidateDenide") { // Mind the spelling... disconnect(false); fire(ClientListener::NickTaken(), this); } else if(cmd == "$UserIP") { if(!param.empty()) { OnlineUserList v; StringTokenizer t(param, "$$"); StringList& l = t.getTokens(); for(StringIter it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { string::size_type j = 0; if((j = it->find(' ')) == string::npos) continue; if((j+1) == it->length()) continue; OnlineUser* u = findUser(it->substr(0, j)); if(!u) continue; u->getIdentity().setIp(it->substr(j+1)); if(u->getUser() == getMyIdentity().getUser()) { setMyIdentity(u->getIdentity()); } v.push_back(u); } fire(ClientListener::UsersUpdated(), this, v); } } else if(cmd == "$NickList") { if(!param.empty()) { OnlineUserList v; StringTokenizer t(param, "$$"); StringList& sl = t.getTokens(); for(StringIter it = sl.begin(); it != sl.end(); ++it) { if(it->empty()) continue; v.push_back(&getUser(*it)); } if(!(supportFlags & SUPPORTS_NOGETINFO)) { string tmp; // Let's assume 10 characters per nick... tmp.reserve(v.size() * (11 + 10 + getMyNick().length())); string n = ' ' + fromUtf8(getMyNick()) + '|'; for(OnlineUserList::const_iterator i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i) { tmp += "$GetINFO "; tmp += fromUtf8((*i)->getIdentity().getNick()); tmp += n; } if(!tmp.empty()) { send(tmp); } } fire(ClientListener::UsersUpdated(), this, v); } } else if(cmd == "$OpList") { if(!param.empty()) { OnlineUserList v; StringTokenizer t(param, "$$"); StringList& sl = t.getTokens(); for(StringIter it = sl.begin(); it != sl.end(); ++it) { if(it->empty()) continue; OnlineUser& ou = getUser(*it); ou.getIdentity().setOp(true); if(ou.getUser() == getMyIdentity().getUser()) { setMyIdentity(ou.getIdentity()); } v.push_back(&ou); } fire(ClientListener::UsersUpdated(), this, v); updateCounts(false); // Special...to avoid op's complaining that their count is not correctly // updated when they log in (they'll be counted as registered first...) myInfo(false); } } else if(cmd == "$To:") { string::size_type i = param.find("From:"); if(i == string::npos) return; i+=6; string::size_type j = param.find('$', i); if(j == string::npos) return; string rtNick = param.substr(i, j - 1 - i); if(rtNick.empty()) return; i = j + 1; if(param.size() < i + 3 || param[i] != '<') return; j = param.find('>', i); if(j == string::npos) return; string fromNick = param.substr(i+1, j-i-1); if(fromNick.empty()) return; if(param.size() < j + 2) { return; } string msg = param.substr(j + 2); OnlineUser* replyTo = findUser(rtNick); OnlineUser* from = findUser(fromNick); if(replyTo == NULL || from == NULL) { if(replyTo == 0) { // Assume it's from the hub replyTo = &getUser(rtNick); replyTo->getIdentity().setHub(true); replyTo->getIdentity().setHidden(true); fire(ClientListener::UserUpdated(), this, *replyTo); } if(from == 0) { // Assume it's from the hub from = &getUser(fromNick); from->getIdentity().setHub(true); from->getIdentity().setHidden(true); fire(ClientListener::UserUpdated(), this, *from); } // Update pointers just in case they've been invalidated replyTo = findUser(rtNick); from = findUser(fromNick); } OnlineUser& to = getUser(getMyNick()); fire(ClientListener::PrivateMessage(), this, *from, to, *replyTo, unescape(msg)); } else if(cmd == "$GetPass") { OnlineUser& ou = getUser(getMyNick()); ou.getIdentity().set("RG", "1"); setMyIdentity(ou.getIdentity()); fire(ClientListener::GetPassword(), this); } else if(cmd == "$BadPass") { setPassword(Util::emptyString); } else if(cmd == "$ZOn") { sock->setMode(BufferedSocket::MODE_ZPIPE); } else { dcassert(cmd[0] == '$'); dcdebug("NmdcHub::onLine Unknown command %s\n", aLine.c_str()); } } string NmdcHub::checkNick(const string& aNick) { string tmp = aNick; for(size_t i = 0; i < aNick.size(); ++i) { if(static_cast(tmp[i]) <= 32 || tmp[i] == '|' || tmp[i] == '$' || tmp[i] == '<' || tmp[i] == '>') { tmp[i] = '_'; } } return tmp; } void NmdcHub::connectToMe(const OnlineUser& aUser) { checkstate(); dcdebug("NmdcHub::connectToMe %s\n", aUser.getIdentity().getNick().c_str()); string nick = fromUtf8(aUser.getIdentity().getNick()); ConnectionManager::getInstance()->nmdcExpect(nick, getMyNick(), getHubUrl()); send("$ConnectToMe " + nick + " " + getLocalIp() + ":" + Util::toString(ConnectionManager::getInstance()->getPort()) + "|"); } void NmdcHub::revConnectToMe(const OnlineUser& aUser) { checkstate(); dcdebug("NmdcHub::revConnectToMe %s\n", aUser.getIdentity().getNick().c_str()); send("$RevConnectToMe " + fromUtf8(getMyNick()) + " " + fromUtf8(aUser.getIdentity().getNick()) + "|"); } void NmdcHub::hubMessage(const string& aMessage, bool thirdPerson) { checkstate(); send(fromUtf8( "<" + getMyNick() + "> " + escape(thirdPerson ? "/me " + aMessage : aMessage) + "|" ) ); } void NmdcHub::myInfo(bool alwaysSend) { checkstate(); reloadSettings(false); lastCounts = counts; string tmp1 = ";**\x1fU9"; string tmp2 = "+L9"; string tmp3 = "+G9"; string tmp4 = "+R9"; string tmp5 = "+N9"; string::size_type i; for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) { tmp1[i]++; } for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { tmp2[i]++; tmp3[i]++; tmp4[i]++; tmp5[i]++; } char modeChar = '?'; if(SETTING(OUTGOING_CONNECTIONS) == SettingsManager::OUTGOING_SOCKS5) modeChar = '5'; else if(ClientManager::getInstance()->isActive()) modeChar = 'A'; else modeChar = 'P'; string uMin = (SETTING(MIN_UPLOAD_SPEED) == 0) ? Util::emptyString : tmp5 + Util::toString(SETTING(MIN_UPLOAD_SPEED)); string myInfoA = "$MyINFO $ALL " + fromUtf8(getMyNick()) + " " + fromUtf8(escape(getCurrentDescription())) + tmp1 + VERSIONSTRING + tmp2 + modeChar + tmp3 + getCounts() + tmp4 + Util::toString(SETTING(SLOTS)) + uMin + ">$ $" + SETTING(UPLOAD_SPEED) + "\x01$" + fromUtf8(escape(SETTING(EMAIL))) + '$'; string myInfoB = ShareManager::getInstance()->getShareSizeString() + "$|"; if(lastMyInfoA != myInfoA || alwaysSend || (lastMyInfoB != myInfoB && lastUpdate + 15*60*1000 < GET_TICK()) ){ dcdebug("MyInfo %s...\n", getMyNick().c_str()); send(myInfoA + myInfoB); lastMyInfoA = myInfoA; lastMyInfoB = myInfoB; lastUpdate = GET_TICK(); } } void NmdcHub::search(int aSizeType, int64_t aSize, int aFileType, const string& aString, const string&) { checkstate(); char c1 = (aSizeType == SearchManager::SIZE_DONTCARE) ? 'F' : 'T'; char c2 = (aSizeType == SearchManager::SIZE_ATLEAST) ? 'F' : 'T'; string tmp = ((aFileType == SearchManager::TYPE_TTH) ? "TTH:" + aString : fromUtf8(escape(aString))); string::size_type i; while((i = tmp.find(' ')) != string::npos) { tmp[i] = '$'; } size_t BUF_SIZE; string tmp2; if(ClientManager::getInstance()->isActive()) { string x = getLocalIp(); BUF_SIZE = x.length() + aString.length() + 64; tmp2.resize(BUF_SIZE); tmp2.resize(snprintf(&tmp2[0], tmp2.size(), "$Search %s:%d %c?%c?%s?%d?%s|", x.c_str(), (int)SearchManager::getInstance()->getPort(), c1, c2, Util::toString(aSize).c_str(), aFileType+1, tmp.c_str())); } else { BUF_SIZE = getMyNick().length() + aString.length() + 64; tmp2.resize(BUF_SIZE); tmp2.resize(snprintf(&tmp2[0], tmp2.size(), "$Search Hub:%s %c?%c?%s?%d?%s|", fromUtf8(getMyNick()).c_str(), c1, c2, Util::toString(aSize).c_str(), aFileType+1, tmp.c_str())); } send(tmp2); } string NmdcHub::validateMessage(string tmp, bool reverse) { string::size_type i = 0; if(reverse) { while( (i = tmp.find("$", i)) != string::npos) { tmp.replace(i, 5, "$"); i++; } i = 0; while( (i = tmp.find("|", i)) != string::npos) { tmp.replace(i, 6, "|"); i++; } i = 0; while( (i = tmp.find("&", i)) != string::npos) { tmp.replace(i, 5, "&"); i++; } } else { i = 0; while( (i = tmp.find("&", i)) != string::npos) { tmp.replace(i, 1, "&"); i += 4; } i = 0; while( (i = tmp.find("$", i)) != string::npos) { tmp.replace(i, 1, "&"); i += 4; } i = 0; while( (i = tmp.find("|", i)) != string::npos) { tmp.replace(i, 1, "&"); i += 4; } i = 0; while( (i = tmp.find('$', i)) != string::npos) { tmp.replace(i, 1, "$"); i += 4; } i = 0; while( (i = tmp.find('|', i)) != string::npos) { tmp.replace(i, 1, "|"); i += 5; } } return tmp; } void NmdcHub::privateMessage(const OnlineUser& aUser, const string& aMessage, bool /*thirdPerson*/) { checkstate(); send("$To: " + fromUtf8(aUser.getIdentity().getNick()) + " From: " + fromUtf8(getMyNick()) + " $" + fromUtf8(escape("<" + getMyNick() + "> " + aMessage)) + "|"); // Emulate a returning message... Lock l(cs); OnlineUser* ou = findUser(getMyNick()); if(ou) { fire(ClientListener::PrivateMessage(), this, *ou, aUser, *ou, aMessage); } } void NmdcHub::clearFlooders(uint64_t aTick) { while(!seekers.empty() && seekers.front().second + (5 * 1000) < aTick) { seekers.pop_front(); } while(!flooders.empty() && flooders.front().second + (120 * 1000) < aTick) { flooders.pop_front(); } } void NmdcHub::on(Connected) throw() { Client::on(Connected()); supportFlags = 0; lastMyInfoA.clear(); lastMyInfoB.clear(); lastUpdate = 0; } void NmdcHub::on(Line, const string& aLine) throw() { Client::on(Line(), aLine); onLine(aLine); } void NmdcHub::on(Failed, const string& aLine) throw() { clearUsers(); Client::on(Failed(), aLine); } void NmdcHub::on(Second, uint32_t aTick) throw() { Client::on(Second(), aTick); if(state == STATE_NORMAL && (aTick > (getLastActivity() + 120*1000)) ) { send("|", 1); } } } // namespace dcpp