/* * Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Jacek Sieka, arnetheduck on gmail point com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef DCPLUSPLUS_DCPP_CLIENT_MANAGER_H #define DCPLUSPLUS_DCPP_CLIENT_MANAGER_H #include "TimerManager.h" #include "Client.h" #include "Singleton.h" #include "SettingsManager.h" #include "User.h" #include "Socket.h" #include "ClientManagerListener.h" namespace dcpp { class UserCommand; class ClientManager : public Speaker, private ClientListener, public Singleton, private TimerManagerListener { public: Client* getClient(const string& aHubURL); void putClient(Client* aClient); size_t getUserCount() const; int64_t getAvailable() const; StringList getHubs(const CID& cid) const; StringList getHubNames(const CID& cid) const; StringList getNicks(const CID& cid) const; string getConnection(const CID& cid) const; bool isConnected(const string& aUrl) const; void search(int aSizeMode, int64_t aSize, int aFileType, const string& aString, const string& aToken); void search(StringList& who, int aSizeMode, int64_t aSize, int aFileType, const string& aString, const string& aToken); void infoUpdated(); UserPtr getUser(const string& aNick, const string& aHubUrl) throw(); UserPtr getUser(const CID& cid) throw(); string findHub(const string& ipPort) const; string findHubEncoding(const string& aUrl) const; UserPtr findUser(const string& aNick, const string& aHubUrl) const throw() { return findUser(makeCid(aNick, aHubUrl)); } UserPtr findUser(const CID& cid) const throw(); UserPtr findLegacyUser(const string& aNick) const throw(); bool isOnline(const UserPtr& aUser) const { Lock l(cs); return onlineUsers.find(aUser->getCID()) != onlineUsers.end(); } bool isOp(const UserPtr& aUser, const string& aHubUrl) const; /** Constructs a synthetic, hopefully unique CID */ CID makeCid(const string& nick, const string& hubUrl) const throw(); void putOnline(OnlineUser* ou) throw(); void putOffline(OnlineUser* ou, bool disconnect = false) throw(); UserPtr& getMe(); void connect(const UserPtr& p, const string& token); void send(AdcCommand& c, const CID& to); void privateMessage(const UserPtr& p, const string& msg, bool thirdPerson); void userCommand(const UserPtr& p, const UserCommand& uc, StringMap& params, bool compatibility); bool isActive() { return SETTING(INCOMING_CONNECTIONS) != SettingsManager::INCOMING_FIREWALL_PASSIVE; } void lock() throw() { cs.enter(); } void unlock() throw() { cs.leave(); } Client::List& getClients() { return clients; } CID getMyCID(); const CID& getMyPID(); private: typedef unordered_map LegacyMap; typedef LegacyMap::iterator LegacyIter; typedef unordered_map UserMap; typedef UserMap::iterator UserIter; typedef unordered_multimap OnlineMap; typedef OnlineMap::iterator OnlineIter; typedef OnlineMap::const_iterator OnlineIterC; typedef pair OnlinePair; typedef pair OnlinePairC; Client::List clients; mutable CriticalSection cs; UserMap users; OnlineMap onlineUsers; UserPtr me; Socket udp; CID pid; friend class Singleton; ClientManager() { TimerManager::getInstance()->addListener(this); } virtual ~ClientManager() throw() { TimerManager::getInstance()->removeListener(this); } // ClientListener virtual void on(Connected, Client* c) throw() { fire(ClientManagerListener::ClientConnected(), c); } virtual void on(UserUpdated, Client*, const OnlineUser& user) throw() { fire(ClientManagerListener::UserUpdated(), user); } virtual void on(UsersUpdated, Client* c, const UserList&) throw() { fire(ClientManagerListener::ClientUpdated(), c); } virtual void on(Failed, Client*, const string&) throw(); virtual void on(HubUpdated, Client* c) throw() { fire(ClientManagerListener::ClientUpdated(), c); } virtual void on(HubUserCommand, Client*, int, int, const string&, const string&) throw(); virtual void on(NmdcSearch, Client* aClient, const string& aSeeker, int aSearchType, int64_t aSize, int aFileType, const string& aString) throw(); virtual void on(AdcSearch, Client* c, const AdcCommand& adc, const CID& from) throw(); // TimerManagerListener virtual void on(TimerManagerListener::Minute, uint32_t aTick) throw(); }; } // namespace dcpp #endif // !defined(CLIENT_MANAGER_H)