import copy from django.db.models.fields import * from django.db.models.fields.related import * from django.db import models from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict from django.utils.functional import curry from django_evolution.signature import ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULTS from django_evolution import CannotSimulate, SimulationFailure, EvolutionNotImplementedError, is_multi_db from django_evolution.db import EvolutionOperationsMulti FK_INTEGER_TYPES = [ 'AutoField', 'PositiveIntegerField', 'PositiveSmallIntegerField' ] if is_multi_db(): from django.db import router def create_field(proj_sig, field_name, field_type, field_attrs, parent_model): """ Create an instance of a field from a field signature. This is useful for accessing all the database property mechanisms built into fields. """ # related_model isn't a valid field attribute, so it must be removed # prior to instantiating the field, but it must be restored # to keep the signature consistent. related_model = field_attrs.pop('related_model', None) if related_model: related_app_name, related_model_name = related_model.split('.') related_model_sig = proj_sig[related_app_name][related_model_name] to = MockModel(proj_sig, related_app_name, related_model_name, related_model_sig, stub=True) field = field_type(to, name=field_name, **field_attrs) field_attrs['related_model'] = related_model else: field = field_type(name=field_name, **field_attrs) if field_type == ManyToManyField and parent_model is not None: # Starting in Django 1.2, a ManyToManyField must have a through # model defined. This will be set internally to an auto-created # model if one isn't specified. We have to fake that model. through_model = field_attrs.get('through_model', None) through_model_sig = None if through_model: through_app_name, through_model_name = through_model.split('.') through_model_sig = proj_sig[through_app_name][through_model_name] elif hasattr(field, '_get_m2m_attr'): # Django >= 1.2 to = if ( == RECURSIVE_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTANT or to == parent_model._meta.object_name.lower()): from_ = 'from_%s' % to to = 'to_%s' % to else: from_ = parent_model._meta.object_name.lower() # This corresponds to the signature in # related.create_many_to_many_intermediary_model through_app_name = parent_model.app_name through_model_name = '%s_%s' % (parent_model._meta.object_name, through_model = '%s.%s' % (through_app_name, through_model_name) fields = SortedDict() fields['id'] = { 'field_type': AutoField, 'primary_key': True, } fields[from_] = { 'field_type': ForeignKey, 'related_model': '%s.%s' % (parent_model.app_name, parent_model._meta.object_name), 'related_name': '%s+' % through_model_name, } fields[to] = { 'field_type': ForeignKey, 'related_model': related_model, 'related_name': '%s+' % through_model_name, } through_model_sig = { 'meta': { 'db_table': field._get_m2m_db_table(parent_model._meta), 'managed': True, 'auto_created': True, 'app_label': through_app_name, 'unique_together': ((from_, to),), 'pk_column': 'id', }, 'fields': fields, } field.auto_created = True if through_model_sig: through = MockModel(proj_sig, through_app_name, through_model_name, through_model_sig) field.rel.through = through field.m2m_db_table = curry(field._get_m2m_db_table, parent_model._meta) field.set_attributes_from_rel() field.set_attributes_from_name(field_name) return field class MockMeta(object): """ A mockup of a models Options object, based on the model signature. The stub argument is used to circumvent recursive relationships. If 'stub' is provided, the constructed model will only be a stub - it will only have a primary key field. """ def __init__(self, proj_sig, app_name, model_name, model_sig): self.object_name = model_name self.app_label = app_name self.meta = { 'order_with_respect_to': None, 'has_auto_field': None, 'db_tablespace': None, } self.meta.update(model_sig['meta']) self._fields = SortedDict() self._many_to_many = SortedDict() self.abstract = False self.managed = True self.proxy = False self._model_sig = model_sig self._proj_sig = proj_sig def setup_fields(self, model, stub=False): for field_name, field_sig in self._model_sig['fields'].items(): if not stub or field_sig.get('primary_key', False): field_type = field_sig.pop('field_type') field = create_field(self._proj_sig, field_name, field_type, field_sig, model) if AutoField == type(field): self.meta['has_auto_field'] = True self.meta['auto_field'] = field field_sig['field_type'] = field_type if ManyToManyField == type(field): self._many_to_many[] = field else: self._fields[] = field field.set_attributes_from_name(field_name) if field_sig.get('primary_key', False): = field def __getattr__(self, name): return self.meta[name] def get_field(self, name): try: return self._fields[name] except KeyError: try: return self._many_to_many[name] except KeyError: raise FieldDoesNotExist('%s has no field named %r' % (self.object_name, name)) def get_field_by_name(self, name): return (self.get_field(name), None, True, None) def get_fields(self): return self._fields.values() def get_many_to_many_fields(self): return self._many_to_many.values() fields = property(fget=get_fields) local_fields = property(fget=get_fields) local_many_to_many = property(fget=get_many_to_many_fields) class MockModel(object): """ A mockup of a model object, providing sufficient detail to derive database column and table names using the standard Django fields. """ def __init__(self, proj_sig, app_name, model_name, model_sig, stub=False): self.app_name = app_name self.model_name = model_name self._meta = MockMeta(proj_sig, app_name, model_name, model_sig) self._meta.setup_fields(self, stub) def __eq__(self, other): # For our purposes, we don't want to appear equal to "self". # Really, Django 1.2 should be checking if this is a string before # doing this comparison, return (isinstance(other, MockModel) and self.app_name == other.app_name and self.model_name == other.model_name) class MockRelated(object): """ A mockup of django.db.models.related.RelatedObject, providing sufficient detail to derive database column and table names using the standard Django fields. """ def __init__(self, related_model, model, field): self.parent_model = related_model self.model = model self.opts = model._meta self.field = field = '%s:%s' % (model.app_name, model.model_name) self.var_name = model.model_name.lower() class BaseMutation: def __init__(self): pass def mutate(self, app_label, proj_sig, target_database=None): """ Performs the mutation on the database. Database changes will occur after this function is invoked. """ raise NotImplementedError() def simulate(self, app_label, proj_sig, target_database=None): """ Performs a simulation of the mutation to be performed. The purpose of the simulate function is to ensure that after all mutations have occured the database will emerge in a state consistent with the currently loaded models file. """ raise NotImplementedError() def is_mutable(self, app_label, proj_sig, database): """ test if the current mutation could be applied to the given database """ return False class MonoBaseMutation(BaseMutation): # introducting model_name at this stage will prevent subclasses to be # cross databases def __init__(self, model_name = None): BaseMutation.__init__(self) self.model_name = model_name def evolver(self, model, database=None): if is_multi_db() and database is None: db_name = router.db_for_write(model) else: db_name = database or 'default' return EvolutionOperationsMulti(db_name).get_evolver() def is_mutable(self, app_label, proj_sig, database): if is_multi_db(): app_sig = proj_sig[app_label] model_sig = app_sig[self.model_name] model = MockModel(proj_sig, app_label, self.model_name, model_sig) db_name = router.db_for_write(model) return db_name and db_name == database else: return True class SQLMutation(BaseMutation): def __init__(self, tag, sql, update_func=None): self.tag = tag self.sql = sql self.update_func = update_func def __str__(self): return "SQLMutation('%s')" % self.tag def simulate(self, app_label, proj_sig, database=None): """SQL mutations cannot be simulated unless an update function is provided""" if callable(self.update_func): self.update_func(app_label, proj_sig) else: raise CannotSimulate('Cannot simulate SQLMutations') def mutate(self, app_label, proj_sig, database=None): "The mutation of an SQL mutation returns the raw SQL" return self.sql def is_mutable(self, app_label, proj_sig, database): return True class DeleteField(MonoBaseMutation): def __init__(self, model_name, field_name): MonoBaseMutation.__init__(self, model_name) self.field_name = field_name def __str__(self): return "DeleteField('%s', '%s')" % (self.model_name, self.field_name) def simulate(self, app_label, proj_sig, database=None): app_sig = proj_sig[app_label] model_sig = app_sig[self.model_name] # If the field was used in the unique_together attribute, update it. unique_together = model_sig['meta']['unique_together'] unique_together_list = [] for ut_index in range(0, len(unique_together), 1): ut = unique_together[ut_index] unique_together_fields = [] for field_name_index in range(0, len(ut), 1): field_name = ut[field_name_index] if not field_name == self.field_name: unique_together_fields.append(field_name) unique_together_list.append(tuple(unique_together_fields)) model_sig['meta']['unique_together'] = tuple(unique_together_list) if model_sig['fields'][self.field_name].get('primary_key',False): raise SimulationFailure('Cannot delete a primary key.') # Simulate the deletion of the field. try: model_sig['fields'].pop(self.field_name) except KeyError: raise SimulationFailure('Cannot find the field named "%s".' % self.field_name) def mutate(self, app_label, proj_sig, database=None): app_sig = proj_sig[app_label] model_sig = app_sig[self.model_name] field_sig = model_sig['fields'][self.field_name] model = MockModel(proj_sig, app_label, self.model_name, model_sig) # Temporarily remove field_type from the field signature # so that we can create a field field_type = field_sig.pop('field_type') field = create_field(proj_sig, self.field_name, field_type, field_sig, model) field_sig['field_type'] = field_type evolver = self.evolver(model, database) if field_type == models.ManyToManyField: sql_statements = \ evolver.delete_table(field._get_m2m_db_table(model._meta)) else: sql_statements = evolver.delete_column(model, field) return sql_statements class AddField(MonoBaseMutation): def __init__(self, model_name, field_name, field_type, initial=None, **kwargs): MonoBaseMutation.__init__(self, model_name) self.field_name = field_name self.field_type = field_type self.field_attrs = kwargs self.initial = initial def __str__(self): params = (self.model_name, self.field_name, self.field_type.__name__) str_output = ["'%s', '%s', models.%s" % params] if self.initial is not None: str_output.append('initial=%s' % repr(self.initial)) for key,value in self.field_attrs.items(): str_output.append("%s=%s" % (key,repr(value))) return 'AddField(' + ', '.join(str_output) + ')' def simulate(self, app_label, proj_sig, database=None): app_sig = proj_sig[app_label] model_sig = app_sig[self.model_name] if self.field_name in model_sig['fields']: raise SimulationFailure( "Model '%s.%s' already has a field named '%s'" % (app_label, self.model_name, self.field_name)) if (self.field_type != models.ManyToManyField and not self.field_attrs.get('null', ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULTS['null']) and self.initial is None): raise SimulationFailure( "Cannot create new column '%s' on '%s.%s' without a " "non-null initial value." % (self.field_name, app_label, self.model_name)) model_sig['fields'][self.field_name] = { 'field_type': self.field_type, } model_sig['fields'][self.field_name].update(self.field_attrs) def mutate(self, app_label, proj_sig, database=None): if self.field_type == models.ManyToManyField: return self.add_m2m_table(app_label, proj_sig, database) else: return self.add_column(app_label, proj_sig, database) def add_column(self, app_label, proj_sig, database): app_sig = proj_sig[app_label] model_sig = app_sig[self.model_name] model = MockModel(proj_sig, app_label, self.model_name, model_sig) field = create_field(proj_sig, self.field_name, self.field_type, self.field_attrs, model) evolver = self.evolver(model, database) sql_statements = evolver.add_column(model, field, self.initial) # Create SQL index if necessary sql_statements.extend(evolver.create_index(model, field)) return sql_statements def add_m2m_table(self, app_label, proj_sig, database): app_sig = proj_sig[app_label] model_sig = app_sig[self.model_name] model = MockModel(proj_sig, app_label, self.model_name, model_sig) field = create_field(proj_sig, self.field_name, self.field_type, self.field_attrs, model) related_app_label, related_model_name = \ self.field_attrs['related_model'].split('.') related_sig = proj_sig[related_app_label][related_model_name] related_model = MockModel(proj_sig, related_app_label, related_model_name, related_sig) related = MockRelated(related_model, model, field) if hasattr(field, '_get_m2m_column_name'): # Django < 1.2 field.m2m_column_name = curry(field._get_m2m_column_name, related) field.m2m_reverse_name = curry(field._get_m2m_reverse_name, related) else: # Django >= 1.2 field.m2m_column_name = curry(field._get_m2m_attr, related, 'column') field.m2m_reverse_name = curry(field._get_m2m_reverse_attr, related, 'column') evolver = self.evolver(model, database) sql_statements = evolver.add_m2m_table(model, field) return sql_statements class RenameField(MonoBaseMutation): def __init__(self, model_name, old_field_name, new_field_name, db_column=None, db_table=None): MonoBaseMutation.__init__(self, model_name) self.old_field_name = old_field_name self.new_field_name = new_field_name self.db_column = db_column self.db_table = db_table def __str__(self): params = "'%s', '%s', '%s'" % (self.model_name, self.old_field_name, self.new_field_name) if self.db_column: params = params + ", db_column='%s'" % (self.db_column) if self.db_table: params = params + ", db_table='%s'" % (self.db_table) return "RenameField(%s)" % params def simulate(self, app_label, proj_sig, database=None): app_sig = proj_sig[app_label] model_sig = app_sig[self.model_name] field_dict = model_sig['fields'] field_sig = field_dict[self.old_field_name] if models.ManyToManyField == field_sig['field_type']: if self.db_table: field_sig['db_table'] = self.db_table else: field_sig.pop('db_table',None) elif self.db_column: field_sig['db_column'] = self.db_column else: # db_column and db_table were not specified (or not specified for # the appropriate field types). Clear the old value if one was set. # This amounts to resetting the column or table name to the Django # default name field_sig.pop('db_column', None) field_dict[self.new_field_name] = field_dict.pop(self.old_field_name) def mutate(self, app_label, proj_sig, database=None): app_sig = proj_sig[app_label] model_sig = app_sig[self.model_name] old_field_sig = model_sig['fields'][self.old_field_name] # Temporarily remove the field type so that we can create mock field # instances field_type = old_field_sig.pop('field_type') # Duplicate the old field sig, and apply the table/column changes new_field_sig = copy.copy(old_field_sig) if models.ManyToManyField == field_type: if self.db_table: new_field_sig['db_table'] = self.db_table else: new_field_sig.pop('db_table', None) elif self.db_column: new_field_sig['db_column'] = self.db_column else: new_field_sig.pop('db_column', None) # Create the mock field instances. old_field = create_field(proj_sig, self.old_field_name, field_type, old_field_sig, None) new_field = create_field(proj_sig, self.new_field_name, field_type, new_field_sig, None) # Restore the field type to the signature old_field_sig['field_type'] = field_type model = MockModel(proj_sig, app_label, self.model_name, model_sig) evolver = self.evolver(model, database) if models.ManyToManyField == field_type: old_m2m_table = old_field._get_m2m_db_table(model._meta) new_m2m_table = new_field._get_m2m_db_table(model._meta) return evolver.rename_table(model, old_m2m_table, new_m2m_table) else: return evolver.rename_column(model._meta, old_field, new_field) class ChangeField(MonoBaseMutation): def __init__(self, model_name, field_name, initial=None, **kwargs): MonoBaseMutation.__init__(self, model_name) self.field_name = field_name self.field_attrs = kwargs self.initial = initial def __str__(self): params = (self.model_name, self.field_name) str_output = ["'%s', '%s'" % params] str_output.append('initial=%s' % repr(self.initial)) for attr_name, attr_value in self.field_attrs.items(): if str == type(attr_value): str_attr_value = "'%s'" % attr_value else: str_attr_value = str(attr_value) str_output.append('%s=%s' % (attr_name, str_attr_value,)) return 'ChangeField(' + ', '.join(str_output) + ')' def simulate(self, app_label, proj_sig, database=None): app_sig = proj_sig[app_label] model_sig = app_sig[self.model_name] field_sig = model_sig['fields'][self.field_name] # Catch for no-op changes. for field_attr, attr_value in self.field_attrs.items(): field_sig[field_attr] = attr_value if ('null' in self.field_attrs and field_sig['field_type'] != models.ManyToManyField and not self.field_attrs['null'] and self.initial is None): raise SimulationFailure( "Cannot change column '%s' on '%s.%s' without a " "non-null initial value." % (self.field_name, app_label, self.model_name)) def mutate(self, app_label, proj_sig, database=None): app_sig = proj_sig[app_label] model_sig = app_sig[self.model_name] old_field_sig = model_sig['fields'][self.field_name] model = MockModel(proj_sig, app_label, self.model_name, model_sig) sql_statements = [] for field_attr, attr_value in self.field_attrs.items(): old_field_attr = old_field_sig.get(field_attr, ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULTS[field_attr]) # Avoid useless SQL commands if nothing has changed. if not old_field_attr == attr_value: try: evolver_func = getattr(self.evolver(model, database), 'change_%s' % field_attr) if field_attr == 'null': sql_statements.extend( evolver_func(model, self.field_name, attr_value, self.initial)) elif field_attr == 'db_table': sql_statements.extend( evolver_func(model, old_field_attr, attr_value)) else: sql_statements.extend( evolver_func(model, self.field_name, attr_value)) except AttributeError: raise EvolutionNotImplementedError( "ChangeField does not support modifying the '%s' " "attribute on '%s.%s'." % (field_attr, self.model_name, self.field_name)) return sql_statements class DeleteModel(MonoBaseMutation): def __init__(self, model_name): MonoBaseMutation.__init__(self, model_name) def __str__(self): return "DeleteModel(%r)" % self.model_name def simulate(self, app_label, proj_sig, database=None): app_sig = proj_sig[app_label] # Simulate the deletion of the model. del app_sig[self.model_name] def mutate(self, app_label, proj_sig, database=None): app_sig = proj_sig[app_label] model_sig = app_sig[self.model_name] sql_statements = [] model = MockModel(proj_sig, app_label, self.model_name, model_sig) evolver = self.evolver(model, database) # Remove any many to many tables. for field_name, field_sig in model_sig['fields'].items(): if field_sig['field_type'] == models.ManyToManyField: field = model._meta.get_field(field_name) m2m_table = field._get_m2m_db_table(model._meta) sql_statements += evolver.delete_table(m2m_table) # Remove the table itself. sql_statements += evolver.delete_table(model._meta.db_table) return sql_statements class DeleteApplication(BaseMutation): def __str__(self): return 'DeleteApplication()' def simulate(self, app_label, proj_sig, database=None): if database: app_sig = proj_sig[app_label] # Simulate the deletion of the models. for model_name in app_sig.keys(): mutation = DeleteModel(model_name) if mutation.is_mutable(app_label, proj_sig, database): del app_sig[self.model_name] def mutate(self, app_label, proj_sig, database=None): sql_statements = [] # This test will introduce a regression, but we can't afford to remove # all models at a same time if they aren't owned by the same database if database: app_sig = proj_sig[app_label] for model_name in app_sig.keys(): mutation = DeleteModel(model_name) if mutation.is_mutable(app_label, proj_sig, database): sql_statements.extend(mutation.mutate(app_label, proj_sig)) return sql_statements def is_mutable(self, app_label, proj_sig, database): # the test is done in the mutate method above. We can return True return True