try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle as pickle from import color_style from django.db.models import signals, get_apps from django_evolution import is_multi_db, models as django_evolution from django_evolution.evolve import get_evolution_sequence, get_unapplied_evolutions from django_evolution.signature import create_project_sig from django_evolution.diff import Diff style = color_style() def evolution(app, created_models, verbosity=1, **kwargs): """ A hook into syncdb's post_syncdb signal, that is used to notify the user if a model evolution is necessary. """ default_db = None if is_multi_db(): from django.db.utils import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS default_db = DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS db = kwargs.get('db', default_db) proj_sig = create_project_sig(db) signature = pickle.dumps(proj_sig) using_args = {} if is_multi_db(): using_args['using'] = db try: if is_multi_db(): latest_version = \ django_evolution.Version.objects.using(db).latest('when') else: latest_version = django_evolution.Version.objects.latest('when') except django_evolution.Version.DoesNotExist: # We need to create a baseline version. if verbosity > 0: print "Installing baseline version" latest_version = django_evolution.Version(signature=signature)**using_args) for a in get_apps(): app_label = a.__name__.split('.')[-2] sequence = get_evolution_sequence(a) if sequence: if verbosity > 0: print 'Evolutions in %s baseline:' % app_label, \ ', '.join(sequence) for evo_label in sequence: evolution = django_evolution.Evolution(app_label=app_label, label=evo_label, version=latest_version)**using_args) unapplied = get_unapplied_evolutions(app, db) if unapplied: print style.NOTICE('There are unapplied evolutions for %s.' % app.__name__.split('.')[-2]) # Evolutions are checked over the entire project, so we only need to check # once. We do this check when Django Evolutions itself is synchronized. if app == django_evolution: old_proj_sig = pickle.loads(str(latest_version.signature)) # If any models have been added, a baseline must be set # for those new models changed = False for app_name, new_app_sig in proj_sig.items(): if app_name == '__version__': # Ignore the __version__ tag continue old_app_sig = old_proj_sig.get(app_name, None) if old_app_sig is None: # App has been added old_proj_sig[app_name] = proj_sig[app_name] changed = True continue for model_name, new_model_sig in new_app_sig.items(): old_model_sig = old_app_sig.get(model_name, None) if old_model_sig is None: # Model has been added old_proj_sig[app_name][model_name] = \ proj_sig[app_name][model_name] changed = True if changed: if verbosity > 0: print "Adding baseline version for new models" latest_version = \ django_evolution.Version(signature=pickle.dumps(old_proj_sig))**using_args) # TODO: Model introspection step goes here. # # If the current database state doesn't match the last # # saved signature (as reported by latest_version), # # then we need to update the Evolution table. # actual_sig = introspect_project_sig() # acutal = pickle.dumps(actual_sig) # if actual != latest_version.signature: # nudge = Version(signature=actual) # # latest_version = nudge diff = Diff(old_proj_sig, proj_sig) if not diff.is_empty(): print style.NOTICE( 'Project signature has changed - an evolution is required') if verbosity > 1: old_proj_sig = pickle.loads(str(latest_version.signature)) print diff signals.post_syncdb.connect(evolution)